Woman Struggles to Use Her Hands After Years of Gel Manicures!

For‍ many years, both⁣ women and now some men have taken part in beauty treatments such as facials, massages, and manicures. But in 2023, ‌a woman gave a ⁣serious warning after her nail treatments led ⁤to major⁢ damage to her nails.

Gel Manicure Gone⁤ Wrong

Lisa Dewey is a mother of two​ from ‌Pattishall⁢ in Northamptonshire. ‌For quite‍ some time,⁤ she has ⁢enjoyed regular beauty treatments and manicures. However, in February 2023, she got ⁣a gel manicure that changed ‍everything for the‌ worse. After this treatment, Dewey ​saw her nails starting to peel away from the nail bed. Sadly, the gel manicure had just⁢ begun⁢ to cause chaos on her nails. Eventually, her‌ doctor found out she had a bacterial ​infection and prescribed steroid cream along with antibiotics. Still, her fingers became⁤ sore and itchy; some even turned purple.

Finding Out About an Allergy

“It ⁤happened so fast – I‌ was scared I might lose a finger when it ⁤turned purple⁣ around the⁣ nail,” she shared. “I thought it was lacking oxygen but it turned out to⁤ be something totally different.” Doctors then suspected an allergic reaction ‌which dermatologists say is becoming​ more common⁢ according ⁣to The British Association of Dermatologists. Many patients⁣ have​ come in with what seems like allergic reactions from ‌gel manicures.

Ongoing Issues with Gel Manicures

Dewey’s troubles didn’t stop ⁤there; when she returned for another gel manicure in April,​ she ​experienced similar issues again! This time her skin felt “like paper.” Because of this painfull condition as an NHS cleaner , simple daily‍ tasks became hard for her:​ “It gets‌ so irritated but wearing gloves doesn’t ⁤help because sweaty hands make it worse ‌too,” she explained. “Anything scented ⁢makes it even more ​painful — I can’t use conditioning products⁤ or mousse on my hair.”

Loss of Daily Function

Dewey also mentioned needing help⁤ from her husband for many everyday activities: “Washing my daughter’s hair is tough since you need to bend your fingers! Even strapping her into the car — if my finger hits the seatbelt I‌ jump from pain because my skin is raw,” she added.

Feeling ⁣Ashamed by Her Gel⁤ Manicure Results

Dewey revealed another sad detail about how badly things went with that gel manicure gone wrong:⁣ She had planned a vacation ​for August but canceled due to ⁣embarrassment over how her hands looked! “This has really hurt my confidence so much,” Dewey said sadly. ‌“I usually don’t care what others ‍think about me but now I hide my hands.”

Now Dewey warns others about what happened‌ and thinks twice‍ before using any nail‍ products again!⁤ Plus, with daughters ‌aged 12 and 3—while one is⁣ still young—the older one will soon want those popular beauty treatments ⁣like gel manicures too! So⁢ Dewey knows she’ll need extra caution when ⁣letting them enjoy spa days together: “People can get their nails done‌ without problems for years until suddenly they face issues.”

Reasons ⁢Behind Reactions ⁣

There⁣ are two main reasons why​ people react badly to gel manicures: First off ⁣are poorly ​trained manicurists or at-home ‌kits that ‍don’t cure long enough leading improperly dried polish causing chemical leaks into skin which can create ‍rashes or ⁤breathing issues sometimes; Secondly ‌unclean tools may expose clients further!

Long-Term‍ Effects

Sadly these effects can last long-term affecting future surgeries needed later on ‌since exposure could lead sensitivity towards⁢ chemicals‍ used ⁣during dental work or joint replacements⁤ procedures down road!

Preventing Toxic Exposure ‌

One simple way people can avoid risks would be following product instructions carefully since each brand has its own guidelines—taking extra​ seconds curing‍ helps reduce dangers!

Another option? Skip getting gels altogether & try natural ⁢methods instead:

Moisture Matters

Using good moisturizer improves health of cuticles & beds—every time applying lotion rub some onto nails too! Also putting coconut oil several‌ times daily helps especially​ if washing hands often!

Or Try This DIY ⁣Nail Strengthening Treatment:

Mix together: 2 tsp castor oil + 2‌ tsp salt​ +1 tsp wheat germ oil then store sealed⁢ bottle rubbing small‍ amount onto your nails leaving on for few ⁤minutes before wiping off (recipe‍ comes from book There’s‌ Lead‍ In Your Lipstick by Gillian ​Deacon).

Alternatives To⁢ Gel Manicures

Push back cuticles instead trimming them after bath/shower when beds are wet works best!

Choose natural​ polishes like Suncoat SpaRitual No-Miss Nail Care rather than ​gels.

Buffing your own nails keeps them shiny without needing‍ gels either way!

Lastly ⁣eat healthy foods full ⁣vitamins/nutrients essential keeping good overall health including⁤ strong beautiful Nails

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