If you see someone’s feet wrapped in aluminum foil, here’s what it could mean

We’ve seen all manner of tips and life-hacks over the years here at Newsner.

I think we can all appreciate those nifty little tricks that help to make our lives a bit easier, which is probably why the best life-hacks always end up spreading around social media like wildfire.

Turns out we’ve stumbled across a rather curious – if not outright peculiar – method of pain relief relating to one’s feet. Keep reading to see what it might mean if you ever see someone with aluminum foil sheets on their feet.

From the consumption of pharmacy-approved modern day pills and powders, to more ancient methods including meditation and stretching, there are plenty of ways to go about seeking pain relief.

But how about wrapping aluminum foil around your feet?

No, if I’m honest, I hadn’t heard about it before now, either.

And yet apparently it’s an unconventional method some individuals turn to when they’re experiencing a number of different issues. As per reports, wrapping your feet in foil can help with fatigue and soothing muscle pain. The idea is that the foil reflects the body’s energy back into the muscles, providing relief from tiredness and soreness.

Credit / Shutterstock

Not only that, but others claim that the same process can aid in join pain – especially where the feet are concerned – by reducing inflammation and improving circulation.

Others still are of the opinion that aluminum foil on the feet can even combat colds and flue, while a fourth benefit is that it promotes better sleep.

So, now you know what’s likely going on if you ever see someone with their feet wrapped in aluminum foil, but is there actually any scientific evidence to back up their practice?

Well, a quick search on the internet certainly makes it appear as though there isn’t much in the way of concrete proof that aluminum fool can serve as a treatment for the above mentioned maladies.

In fact, there’s even evidence to suggest that wrapping your feel in aluminum might be dangerous. So probably best to stay with more conventional methods…

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