11-Year-Old Dies Because of Online Trend – Now Family Is Warning Others About The Household Item That Took His Life

In England, 11-year-old Tommie-Lee Billington tragically passed away after trying a dangerous challenge he saw on TikTok. Tommie was at a friend’s house for a sleepover when they found this challenge on the app.

The challenge involves inhaling harmful gases or solvents from everyday items like dry shampoo, spray deodorant, or glue to get high.

When Tommie tried this, something went terribly wrong. He went into cardiac arrest and passed away instantly. His family and the hospital tried everything to save him, but they couldn’t bring him back.

Tommie’s grandmother, Tina Burns, shared that he had a wonderful heart, just like his dad, and his family is devastated by his loss.

Tommie’s mom, Sherri, expressed her pain and warned other parents about this dangerous trend. She couldn’t understand why kids would try something so risky.

She shared her heartbreak on Facebook, urging parents to talk to their children about the consequences of these challenges.

Sherri is determined to prevent more tragedies like this. She wants Tommie’s memory to save lives. Another young girl, 13-year-old Esra Haynes, also lost her life due to this same challenge.

Tommie’s family hopes that by sharing his story, they can raise awareness and stop other children from taking part in these dangerous trends.

They want to honor Tommie’s memory and prevent more families from experiencing the pain they are going through. Rest in peace, Tommie.

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