My Stepmother Took $5,000 From My College Fund To Get Veneers For Herself, And Bad Luck Came Hit Her Right Back

Who is robbing their daughter? My stepmother did. She took $5,000 for veneers out of my education fund. for the ideal Hollywood grin. However, she felt more regret than glam once karma struck more quickly than a dental drill.

Although it’s said that money cannot buy happiness, my stepmother certainly believed that it could buy her a million-dollar smile. The worst part? To implant her veneers, she took money from my education fund, which my late mother had established, and pretended it didn’t matter. Don’t worry, though! Take a seat back, unwind, and allow me to share with you the story of the day that karma grew back and bit back.

My name is Kristen, and I am a typical 17-year-old with aspirations that surpass my stepmother’s ego. My mother left a college money when she died when I was a little child. Although it wasn’t much, it was a first step in securing my future.

Source: Midjourney

Since then, my dad, Bob, and I have been expanding it, primarily through my part-time work educating children who believe “Pi” is a food that goes well with ice cream. There was also some babysitting, which paid me once a week.

Before Tracy, my stepmother and the living embodiment of a selfie stick, appeared, everything was going smoothly.

Compared to a mime acting as though she is confined in a box, this woman spends more time in front of the mirror. I promise that Tracy would make Narcissus look like a novice if vanity were an Olympic sport.

She is completely preoccupied with appearances. Her nails, hair, and attire must always be flawless. She seems to be attempting to emulate a real-life Barbie. (I apologize, Barbie.)

Source: Midjourney

She never has time for things that truly matter, like, oh, I don’t know, being a decent human, despite spending hours in front of the mirror. She seems to have a mirror implanted in her brain.

When I returned home one fateful day, Tracy was beaming like she had won the lottery.

“Kristen, darling!” Her voice was sweeter as a hummingbird’s food as she chirped. “Guess what your amazing stepmom is going to do?”

I arched an eyebrow. “Finally learn how to use the washing machine without flooding the laundry room?”

Source: Midjourney

After a little pause, Tracy’s smile came back with gusto. “No, you fool! I am going to get veneers! Isn’t that amazing?”

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