My Husband Forbade Me From Entering One Room In Our House – I Could Not Stop Crying When I Saw What Was Inside

Alexis’ parents’ bakery was struggling because they stuck to old traditions instead of keeping up with new trends.

To help, they arranged a marriage for Alexis with a rich man named Robert. But Alexis and Robert were like strangers, even though their wedding was fancy.

After the wedding, they moved into Robert’s big house. He showed her around and said the house was hers too, but he had one rule: she couldn’t go to the attic. Alexis agreed, but her curiosity got the best of her one day when Robert was out.

When she went to the attic, she found things from Robert’s childhood, like toys, old postcards, and photos.

There were also letters between Robert and his father, who was a soldier. Alexis felt confused and relieved at the same time.

But when Robert found out she went to the attic, he was angry. Alexis just wanted to understand him better. Finally, he opened up about his lonely childhood and how these things were all he had left from a time when he felt loved.

This made a big difference in their relationship. Robert wasn’t cold and silent anymore. He let Alexis in, and they became closer.

Years later, they have a daughter named April, and Robert got rid of the things in the attic. Now, it’s a cozy reading nook, a symbol of letting go of the past and embracing the future.

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